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你匆匆醒来,看看时钟 - 早上6:43。你应该差不多一小时前起来。为你和孩子们没有更多的宵夜电影。从床上出来,你扔了一些衣服,戴上一些衣服,把你的头发拉出来,让你看起来像你真的准备好了这一天。你遇到了其他卧室,醒来六岁的儿子。他从床上滚下来,眼睛基本上仍然关闭,因为他绊倒在浴室里。他仍然有他的小玩具火车在他的手中昨晚 - 他必须用它睡着了。当他开始准备好时,你遇到了厨房开始做早餐。两块烤面包,一碗麦片......“mooooommmm?!”你的直接思想:“这不好。”当你走向他的声音时,你可以听到在浴室里跑的水。 Maybe he just has the sink running and he can't reach the toothpaste again. Unfortunately, that's not the problem. Somehow, he has managed to drop his toy into the toilet and he flushed it down. Water is now overflowing from the toilet and is quickly flooding the bathroom. You have to do something about this, and quickly. You try to find someone online- there are too many options. You open the phonebook- every company imaginable is listed. All of your friends are too busy to ask for a suggestion. Who do you choose in a time when you need them most? Mr. Rooter Plumbing®拥有帮助您为您选择合适的水管工具。选择合适的水管工可以采取压力并担心管道紧急情况。无需额外费用,托罗斯先生管道将在您方便的时候来到您来源发现问题的来源并第一次解决它。托罗斯先生管道是适合你的正确水管工。他们称为美国先生有一个原因