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Mr. Rooter Plumbing Helps You Keep it Green

Water is a valuable resource. Put it in the spotlight this Earth Day, keeping the planet – and your wallet – a little greener for your green plumbing efforts.

Simple, Green Plumbing Ideas this Earth Day Include….

  • Addressing Your ‘Leak List.’
    效率和保护的巨大敌人,即使是跑步厕所的泄漏,甚至看起来很小的泄漏 - 每天都会浪费数百加仑的水。每年只有一次滴水的水龙头浪费超过3,000加仑,每年从您的钱包中浪费了很多绿色。并在墙上泄漏 - 是的!我们在说霉菌,腐烂 - 不适合您的家庭环境或钱包。今年,解决了蜜糖列表,最后结束了这些泄漏。
  • Flushing Less Water
    We’re not talking skipping a flush. Installing low-flush toilets could save you four-fifths the amount of water your current model uses, depending on its age. Multiply that times the 28 gallons each person in your home flushes daily, that’s a bucket of savings!
  • Dropping Less Down the Drain
    Like toilet flow, slowing down the water coming out of your faucets and showerheads can likewise offer massive savings. A few simple fixture switches – and you could reduce water usage up to 60 percent. Love your fixtures? Opt for a faucet flow reducer on your existing faucets, saving your fixtures, and reducing your water usage up to 40 percent.
  • Cleaning (or Upgrading) Your Water Heater
    Accounting for a whopping 12 percent of your electric bill after heating and cooling, addressing your water heater can save you a pretty penny – and pretty-up your carbon footprint. Simply flushing sediment from your older system offers an efficiency boost, but the greatest energy savings comes with replacement – particularly for systems 15-20 years old. Tankless ‘on-demand’ systems don’t store water, offering savings up to 30 percent, however the latest hybrid heat pump systems offer even greater savings – reducing water heating costs up to a whopping 60 percent.
  • Insulating
    Without insulation, your pipes experience significant heat loss. And the farther from the water heater the fixture is that you’re using – the more this is compounded. Frigid air during the spring, fall, and winter further exacerbates the problem, increasing the amount of water necessary for hot water delivery, along with your energy bills.

How green is your plumbing system? There are many ways to go green in your home, but few offer greater opportunity than plumbing. Go beyond recycling this Earth Day. Join Mr. Rooter Plumbing and be the change with the latest in green plumbing solutions. Contact us today.

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