

Slow-draining sink drains and incomplete toilet flushes are classic signs of an air lock issue. Most air locks in plumbing drainpipes are caused by a lack of free-flowing air in the plumbing venting system. If you suspect this is the issue with your plumbing, you should have your system inspected by a professional plumber to avoid further issues and/or damage.



Signs of an Air Lock in Your Plumbing System

Since you cannot physically see what’s in your plumbing drain lines, there are some other ways to determine if an air lock is causing your plumbing issues. Here are a few ways to confirm an air lock is the problem:

  • Sluggish Drains: If you notice the drains in your home are not draining as quickly as they normally do this could be the result of an air lock. If air is trapped in your system, it may cause gurgling, or bubbling in your toilets.

  • Incomplete Toilet Flush Cycle: If when you flush the toilet it does not flush completely, and water continues to swirl around in the bowl and goes down slowly, it is usually caused by an air lock. You may also notice some gurgling in a tub, shower, or sink.

In both cases, a blocked air vent can cause these issues. If you live in a cold climate, in the winter, moist air moving in and out of the roof air vent can freeze at the opening and eventually build-up enough to seal off the vent. Also, small birds will sometimes build a nest in the vent opening, which, over time, can severely restrict the flow of air at the vent opening.


If you have an air lock at your sump pump it can cause big issues that are costly to repair. If the air lock restricts the pumps’ ability to effectively move excess water away from your home’s foundation and basement floor, you could be in for some flooding and damage to your foundation. This problem can usually be resolved by drilling arelief holein the discharge hose. To confirm the issue is resolved, pour some water in the crock or basin, to see if the air lock has been cleared.


如果迅速解决,排水管中的空气锁通常不是一个严重的问题。但是,有些空气锁比其他锁更容易清除。很难清除的人可能需要专业人士的帮助。如果您正在处理系统排水管中的气锁,并且很难清理,请联系每天处理它的专业人员,您的本地Mr. Rooter。我们将解决您的问题,甚至可以检查整个系统以确保其有效工作。要了解更多信息,请致电855.982.2028或request an estimate今天。