

3 Signs You Have a Hidden Leak

In order to prevent a leak from causing severe structural damage, it's essential to get it fixed fast. Unfortunately, not all leaks are as apparent as water dripping from your faucet or pipes. Some are hidden in ceilings, floors, or walls. To help you spot these types of leaks, we have comprised a list of signs you should be on the lookout for.

What to Look For


If you spot mold in your home, that's a major sign of a hidden leak. Mold and mildew require the presence of moisture to grow and thrive. Wherever you see the fungi growing, you likely have a leaky pipe in the area.

Discoloration of Walls or Ceiling

When walls and ceilings are exposed to excess moisture over an extended period of time, they can get stained and become discolored. If there is no noticeable water source causing the stains, you likely have a leak inside or above the affected area.



How to Fix the Problem

If you notice any of the above signs, it's best to get the situation handled as fast as possible. In the case of a hidden leak, it's recommended to call in awww.vw022.com . An experienced technician will be able to use their tools to locate the leak and fix the problem in a minimally invasive way.

Make the Right Choice

不matter how bad your leak is, the experienced pros atvwin线上官网can handle the situation. Call(855)982-2028今天要修复泄漏。