Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Central PA Change Location

These 4 Tips Will Help You Survive a Burst Pipe

爆裂管是房主可以体验到的最糟糕的事情之一。与破损的洗碗机或堵塞的厕所不同,水泛滥不仅仅是不便。甚至一个小 has the power to damage a home’s foundation and lead to mold and mildew growth.

What to do Immediately After a Pipe Bursts


1. Turn off the main water supply.

Before you can start mopping up water, the first thing you need to do is turn off the main water supply. This will prevent an already tough situation from getting that much worse. Though every main shut-off valve is located in a different place, most sit within three to five feet of where the water main enters your home. Most often, water lines are located in the mechanical room, by thewater heater, or near your furnace.

2. Shut off your electricity.

水和电气不会混合 - 如果爆裂管将水升至您的插座水平,则电力也应关闭。

3. Drain your pipe to prevent future damage.


  • Drain the pipes by turning your faucets on and running the cold water.
  • Flush each toilet at least once.
  • Turn off the hot water heater.
  • Let your faucets run, now using the hot water.

4. Assess the damage and call on the pros.

很容易忘记有多么破坏性的水。即使只有几英寸的水也会使您拥有扭曲的地板,毁坏的家具,霉菌和霉菌以及受损的地毯。控制泄漏后,请致电Rooter Plumbing先生。vwin线上官网我们将快速确定是什么原因导致泄漏,修复它,并让您知道如何防止将来再次发生这种情况。

vwin线上官网数十年来,一直在协助房主解决管道问题,我们的专业知识是无与伦比的!要了解更多信息,请给我们打电话(717)516-2673or fill outour form!