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Bathroom Sink Plumbing



Because a bathroom sink drain and trap is narrow, (1 ¼ inches in diameter), it tends to clog as soap and hair accumulate in the tailpiece, bend or arm of the waste drain system. A bathroom sink will usually outlast its faucet and drain; however, it is possible to employ some preventive maintenance that will reduce the chance of serious bathroom sink problems.

有关水龙头维修/更换或浴室水槽排水管的更多信息,请访问我们的页面浴室水龙头管道andbathroom sink drain plumbing.

Bathroom drains will almost never clog if you follow one simple rule: Do not use them for anything but waste water. Cleaning the bathroom sink stopper drain regularly will help prevent the accumulation of soap and hair, which can block the trap or drain farther down the system.

如果排水管确实备份,请首先通过检查房屋中的其他排水管来确定堵塞的程度。如果堵塞了一个以上,您的问题可能在主排水口中,而不是在一个固定装置中 - 我们可以修复它!

您可以依靠我们合格的水管工提供可靠,专业和礼貌的服务。24/7 - 包括周末和假期 - 从不加班费或旅行费。水暖紧急情况?没问题!住宅和商业客户今天需要免费的排水vwin德赢赞助欧洲杯检查和咨询。询问我们的排水维护计划。