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Toilet in a clean, white and gray bathroom with sink and a window


几乎50 years in the plumbing business,,,,we’ve seen just about everything — in people’s toilets, that is. And unfortunately, most of it doesn’t come from curious little ones. In most cases, it’s the homeowners themselves throwing miscellaneous bathroom items down the toilet, unaware that these things are wreaking havoc on their system.

Remember: Just because itcan被冲洗,并不意味着should冲洗。

1. Cotton Balls


2. Dental Floss




4. Paper Towels

They may have the word paper in them, but paper towels are still anything but flushable. Paper towels are made to be much more durable than toilet paper, so they should always be thrown out in the garbage.





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约翰·多诺万关于the Author:约翰·多诺万(John Dovwin线上官网novan

John has been a trusted plumber and owner of Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Southeast WI since 2006. With over 19 years to back him, John has experience with a wide range of plumbing related solutions and systems. He and his team specialize in pipeline restoration, utilizing minimally invasive state of the art technologies. He and his team have also demonstrated expertise in drainline diagnostics and resolving drainage issues.