Sewer Camera Inspection in Southfield

If you’re located in the Southfield area, look no further than Mr. Rooter Detroit for all of your plumbing needs! One of our most popular services is the sewer camera inspection, a highly effective diagnostic tool to locate and help solve your plumbing issues.





A sewer camera inspection will be performed prior to any other Mr. Rooter repair procedure as a means of reducing the time and money needed for your job and increasing overall efficiency. There are a number of other occasions when ordering a stand-alone sewer camera inspection is a great idea, however. Locating lost items like jewelry in pipes is one common use. Another use is to diagnose any persistent problems you’ve been experiencing with your plumbing or to get a “check-up” on elderly plumbing.

If experiencing any of the below, consider a sewer camera inspection in your home:

  • 毛管
  • 频繁,持续的慢速或停滞的排水
  • Lingering odors of sewage in bathrooms or basements
  • Suddenly low water pressure
  • 尽管经常使用,但高水费
  • 地下室或后院的持续潮湿斑块


If you’ve recently purchased or inherited a new home, or are considering the purchase of a house, a sewer camera inspection can help to inform you of the true state of your new home’s pipes. Though home inspections prior to sale are thorough, they don’t typically include an in-depth examination of the plumbing. A sewer camera inspection could reveal a significant difference in the value of the home - elderly plumbing in need of repair or mistreatment by former owners could mean an expensive repair or replacement job for the new owner!

Additionally, many of our customers order a sewer camera inspection as a bundle with a yearly drain cleaning service, to ensure their plumbing remains healthy and to catch any damage early.


如果您想了解更多有关我们的下水道摄像机检查的信息,或者想与代表谈谈我们的其他无知服务,请拿起电话,打电话给Rooter Detroit先生(888)907-7322今天。我们训练有素的专业人士期待解决您的下一个挑战,所以今天就致电!

a Mr. Rooter plumber walking up to a house
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