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Septic Tanks In The Winter Months

We have talked about the importance ofseptic tank maintenance几次,这次我们将在冬季和冬季谈论冬季天气技巧。冬季之前,有一个好主意化粪池清洗并抽水。过多积聚的污泥的坦克可能会在冬季引起问题 - 在寒冷的天气中解决失败的化粪池系统可能会很困难和昂贵。


Tanks should be cleaned around every three years – but depending on the use in your household it could be yearly (size of your family and if you have a garbage disposal are two things that might factor in). If you’re unsure of the last time your tank was cleaned, you can measure the depth of your tank sludge by wrapping a white terry cloth around a wooden or metal pole (needs to be long enough to reach the bottom of your tank). Slowly push the pole to the bottom of the tank through an inspection pipe or the manhole. Turn the pole slowly three to five resolutions, let it sit for a minute then slowly withdraw it. If the sludge thickness is greater than 12 inches you will need to call your local plumber.

正如我们之前说过的,这不是您应该自己做的事情。清洁储罐不仅仅是抽出液体。您需要一个持牌的化粪池专家来为您清洁坦克。通过保持化粪池系统清洁 - 实际上,它比让它堆积要便宜​​,因为化粪池中的添加剂更有效。We do not advise adding additives without speaking to your local plumber to make sure that you will not accidentally do damage to your septic system.


As long as our trucks can get to where the tank is – winter pumps are possible. Sometimes this is more costly due to show or ice coverage and trying to reach your septic system. If your tank is filled to capacity, effluent could back up into your pipes and burst if the contents end up freezing. The key is to try and check for this before winter and be vigilant to reduce the amount of water that is being flushed into your tank during the freezing months.

When homes or cabins are unoccupied for long weekends or extended periods of time septic system cannot maintain sufficient temperatures to avoid freezing. Frequent use, warmer water temperatures, and greater water use overall are important in cold temperature stress situations.


What Should You Do If Your Septic System Freezes

您的第一个也是最重要的一步是致电您的化粪池专家!如果您不纠正冻结的原因,那么您的系统也将在明年冬天重新冻结。您当地的Rooter Plumbers先生是化粪池专业人士and can help diagnose where the leak is coming from and help you fix this. If you locate a frozen pipe do NOT use an open flame to try and warm it back up. In case you run to Google and think that you might be able to fix your own frozen septic systems here are a few tips:

  • Do NOT add antifreeze, salt or a septic system additive into the system.
  • Do NOT pump sewage onto the ground surface.
  • 不要开火,试图将其融化。
  • Do NOT run water continually to try to unfreeze system.

For more questions about septic tanks or your plumbing,contact your local Mr. Rooter plumberof Greater Syracuse, NY.