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Can I Use a Garbage Disposal With a Septic Tank?



The short answer is yes, you can have a garbage disposal with septic. Using a garbage disposal will increase the solids in your septic tank. However, there are precautions you can take to ensure that your garbage disposal and septic tank work together and enable convenient food scrap disposal in your kitchen.


water going down a drain


  • A convenient alternative to trash cans.
  • 从垃圾填埋场转移食物浪费。
  • 易于维护和操作。

At the same time, a garbage disposal is a complex piece of equipment with many aspects, some of them negative. If you have a garbage disposal, or you plan to install one in the near future, you should knoweverything that decision entails。这些是垃圾处理的一些缺点:

  • May begin to emit an odor.
  • Can't manage all food scraps.
  • 偶尔会堵塞或果酱。


Digging up a septic system

化粪池系统的目的与下水道系统相似。它收到浪费并用细菌处理,然后将固体分解,然后将液体废水释放到排水端。关于其整体公用事业,坦克可以容纳多达1,000加仑的水,,,,and that is only one of its many benefits. Additionally, septic tanks:

  • Are composed of durable material such as concrete.
  • 可以定期维护可以持续25至30年。
  • 为共享下水道系统提供可访问的替代方案。


  • 需要每隔几年抽水一次。
  • May drop in efficiency from misuse.
  • 累积污泥将失去容量。



自然,具有化粪池的房主需要采取某些预防措施维护。如果您想确保系统的寿命,那么像其他任何设备一样对待它至关重要 - 谨慎和关注。遵循适当的协议,不要偏离标准规则集。


  • 牙线
  • 卫生棉条
  • Cat litter
  • Trash
  • Coffee beans
  • Paper towels
  • 卫生巾
  • Disposable diapers
  • 烟头

It is also necessary to take care with household cleaners. Your septic tank depends on certain types and amounts of bacteria to function, and many disinfectants, bleaches and cleaning products can harm your system. Use organic and biodegradable household cleaners whenever possible to prevent any problems.

On the subject of harmful substances, it is also vital to avoid a range of fluids such as paint, paint thinners, motor oil, gasoline, grease and oil. Allowing these substances to enter your septic system will result in significant consequences. You may even have to replace the entire system if the damage is too extensive.


Garbage disposal and plumbing under kitchen sink



Food breaks down a lot slower than other matter that goes down the drain. Grab a square of toilet paper and make it wet. It instantly gets soggy and smaller. Now run water over a few chunks of strawberry. There’s no breakdown. It just gets a little cleaner. Instead of relying on a garbage disposal, start a compost bin. Even if you don’t have a garden, you can reuse compost on any plants or trees you have around the home, or share with your neighbors.




  1. 磨食物时使用冷水。冷水会导致任何油脂或油固化,以便将其切碎。
  2. Pour a little dish soap inside the disposal after washing dishes, run for about a minute with some cold water.
  3. 定期运行您的处置。经常使用有助于防止生锈和腐蚀。
  4. 研磨硬材料,例如小鸡肉或鱼骨(没有大动物骨头)。这些在研磨室内产生了搜寻动作,将有助于清洁垃圾处理的墙壁。



  1. Don’t use hot water when grinding food waste. It will cause oils to liquefy and accumulate somewhere in your disposal or down your drain, causing clogs.
  2. 不要关闭电动机或水,直到完成磨削为止。磨完成后,让水至少15秒。
  3. 不要研磨纤维材料,例如玉米壳,芹菜茎,洋葱皮或朝鲜蓟。这些纤维可能会纠结并堵塞您的处置电机。
  4. 不要将油,脂肪或油脂倒入处置(或排水管!)。即使冷水会帮助其巩固,它将慢慢积聚,堵塞,甚至阻碍您的处置能力。
  5. Don’t put large amounts of food down the disposal. Make sure to cut it up before you feed it in (a little at a time).
  6. Don’t put expandable foods like rice or pasta into your disposal. They might seem small, but when added to the water of your drains, they will expand and can cause jams or clogs.
  7. 不要使用咖啡地。地面将积累,而小的开始将堆积并引起堵塞。
  8. Don’t grind glass, plastic, metal, paper, anything combustible or even cigarette butts. If we just mentioned it, it means someone’s done it.

As you can see, there’s a few more “don’ts” than “do’s." We could have kept going, but we’re pretty sure you’ve gotten the point. Restating an earlier point, one of the worst things to do is to pour any type of oil or fat down your drain. These are next to impossible to break down in your septic system.

What Can You Put Down a Garbage Disposal With a Septic Tank?

Person holding bread






在这些情况下,您始终可以与大锡拉丘兹的Rooter Plumbing先生接触。vwin线上官网我们的持牌水管工熟悉各种各样的问题,并且非常擅长处理您的垃圾处理,化粪池系统或相关设备的任何问题。


  • 海鲜壳
  • 蛋壳
  • 水果坑
  • Potato peels
  • Grape skins
  • Avocado seeds
  • 芦笋
  • 麦片
  • Beans
  • 坚果

Again, these items can be potentially damaging to your garbage disposal even if you do not have a septic system, but they can cause extra trouble if you do have a septic tank. If you feel like you may not remember the items above, we advise you to compile a list you can easily reference. It will serve as a safety measure until you understand your system better.

On that note, it's also important to specify items which are not safe for your garbage disposal but don't belong to a set category. For example, it is proper protocol to bring medication to a pharmacy if you plan to throw it away. Flushing medication or placing it down the disposal may impact water quality near you.

Do You Need a Special Garbage Disposal for Septic Systems?








To that end, garbage disposals with injection technology are effective, but they are not the only product capable of protecting your septic system. A garbage disposal with superior grinding action and a high RPM — or revolutions per minute — can reduce food waste to tiny particles and will work with a standard septic system.





A garbage disposal has its benefits, but you don't need one. You can still use a conventional trash can or other garbage disposal alternatives that are efficient and straightforward.


你也可以建造一个堆肥箱with the right tools and supplies. Composting is a smart way to dispose of food waste, even if you don't own a garden. Compost is a valuable commodity which can assist with the growth of plants or trees around your property, so a bin is worth the effort.





Whether you have a garbage disposal and a septic tank or not, you are not alone if you have frequent issues with your drains. Clogs are common, and homeowners have a number of solutions to address this type of problem. If you have experienced one or more of the indicators on the list below, you likely have a clogged drain in need of service:

  1. 水合后缓慢排水。
  2. Water backs up out of the drain.
  3. 您会听到刺耳的声音。
  4. 您闻到水槽区域周围腐烂的食物的气味。
  5. Puddles form on the floor next to the sink.


  1. Turn on the water and fill the sink about halfway.
  2. 如果您的水槽是双厨房的水槽,请使用毛巾或抹布塞入其中之一。
  3. 用浴室水槽覆盖溢流孔。
  4. Start to plunge the open drain with a cup plunger.
  5. 向下移动柱塞几次,然后将其拉开。


大锡拉丘兹的Rooter Plumbing先生的化粪池清洁服vwin线上官网务

Mr. Rooter Plumbing service van

Homeowners with septic systems need to look after their tank and schedule maintenance. When they treat their septic system with care, it can last for years. If they neglect this responsibility, they may have to spend a substantial sum of money on costly repairs and replacements.


Unlike a clogged drain — which is a relatively simple DIY project — servicing your septic system will always require a professional. The germs and gases that a tank can release are dangerous, and maintenance requires an informed understanding of the equipment. You need an expert to lend their experience.

在这方面,您可以相信Rooter Plumbing先生可以抽vwin线上官网水和维护您的水箱。我们专门研究化粪池系统,如果您发现自己需要清洁,抽水或维护服务,我们就在这里。
