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how do toilets work





  • 这个碗- 排入虹吸管,顶部是马桶座。
  • 坦克– placed against the wall like the back of a chair, and features the flush handle. The tank contains the following parts: fill valve, flush valve, overflow tube and flapper.


  • 链条将挡板升起,并将新鲜的坦克水释放到碗中。
  • 重力将肮脏的水从S诱捕物中拉入下水道或化粪池管道。
  • Once the toilet tank is empty, the flapper shuts and the fill valve activates.
  • 水箱充满了干净的水,这些水通过阀的底部,穿过补充管,然后通过溢流管向下向下。
  • 碗水与水箱中的水同时升起。一旦到达填充线,阀门就关闭,冲洗停止。

碗虹吸pour a tall glass of water in toilet

A toilet will flush even without the components of a tank. All that's really needed to make water go up the siphon is more water. For example, if you were to remove the tank from your toilet, the bowl itself could still do the job of taking waste to the sewer. The thing that actually makes a toilet flush in the first place is the curve of the siphon — the tank and handle merely make the whole process easier.

In case you can't imagine how a toilet bowl could flush itself without the presence of a tank, there's a simple experiment with which you can witness the wonders of the toilet's unique design:




正如水壶实验中所示的那样,厕所将在没有水箱的情况下冲洗。实际上,您甚至不需要自来水才能使锅冲洗。几个加仑的包装水供应可以充分解决问题。问题是,如果您每次去洗手间,您都必须用水装满水锅,这一切都会变得很累。因此,厕所配备了储罐,这些储罐充当自动水壶 - 发送和收集水并为您留出麻烦。




When the handle is pulled, the chain gets tugged, which in turn opens the valve. The opening of the valve exposes a hole — two to three inches in diameter — through which water pours into the bowl. The water comes down from the inner-rim, and most of it goes out the siphon jet, taking all the waste in the process. Because of the speed and pressure at which this occurs, the siphon is instantly activated — just as it would be with a full bucket of water.

The Refill Mechanism



The float ball — also known as the filler valve — and the overflow tube work together during this process to keep the water level even. The former lets the fill valve know when to start and stop loading water, while the overflow tube directs excess water to the right places. If the float ball comes detached and the tank starts to load water continuously, the overflow tube will redirect excess volumes of water into the bowl to prevent the tank from overflowing. When a flush never seems to end, it's often due to an issue along these lines.



In the Neolithic settlement of Skara Brae on the Scottish island of Orkney, houses built between 3100 BC and 2500 BC contained toilets with running water that connected to cubicle-covered drains. Early during the second millennium, toilets became a part of life in Minoan Crete, Egypt. In recent years, archeologists have uncovered the remains of what is believed to be a latrine-style toilet in Viet Nam that dates from around 1500 BC.




The 16th century witnessed vast population growth throughout the cities of Europe, which spurred the development of cesspits in urban areas. In order to account for the fact that rain could no longer remove the vast amounts of human waste that was now being produced, a new system was developed in which latrines and cesspools were connected via pipes. Workers would clean out these cesspools with shovels every night, and then cart off the hard remains, which would subsequently be used as fertilizer.

For the remainder of the waterless-toilet era, waste was recycled into agriculture in a manner similar to the animal kingdom. During the early 1800s, health officials were debating on whether it was really sanitary to recycle human waste. By the middle of the 19th century, cesspools were being replaced by modern-day sewage systems in most major cities. As this was happening, plumbing for sinks, tubs and toilets also became commonplace in houses and apartment buildings.

The flush toilet that people use today was first developed during the Industrial Revolution. Spurring this development was Scottish watchmaker Alexander Cummings, who advanced the capabilities of plumbing with his invention known as the S-trap in 1775. With this design, it was now possible to let waste drain from a toilet to the sewer because the sitting water within a bowl worked at blocking out sewage stench.

Flush toilets quickly became popular throughout the U.K., Europe and North America. One of the distinct innovations among U.S. engineers during the late 1800s was the chain-pull indoor toilet, which was used in upper-class homes and hotels prior to the flush toilet. A further innovation arrived at the turn of the century in the form of the Flushometer, which linked toilets to pressurized water and thus shortened the wait time between flushes.

Since that time, the standard flush toilet has reigned supreme throughout most of the world. Recent decades, however, have brought about significant developments in the design, and one of the most notable has been the Duoset cistern by Australian inventor Bruce Thompson. Featuring two buttons and flush levels, the Duoset has allowed users to在水上保存多达67%驱虫剂允许用户节省67%的水

Prior to the spread of flush toilets, many prominent inventors and health officials promoted the use of dry earth closets, which were invented in the mid-19th century by clergyman Henry Moule. He sought to improve London's sanitation after two cholera outbreaks were caused by sewage buildup in the Thames.




Flush toilet– The most common toilet design throughout the developed world today is the flush toilet, which consists of a tank, a bowl, a seat, a lid and a siphon tube that leads to a drainage system. The siphon, with its upside-down U-shape, is one of the most beneficial designs of engineering because it keeps the level of water in the bowl consistent. In addition to flushing out waste and mitigating germs and odor, bowl water also locks out sewer gas from the drainage pipes. Most toilets drain into neighborhood sewers or septic tanks.厕所用水

冲洗厕所最多可消耗27%的每日用水量in most households, though some of the newer models are designed to conserve water. Toilets with lower flush levels, for instance, reduce the amount of water consumed on an average day.

Another design that lowers water consumption is the dual-flush toilet, which allows a user to choose between liquid and hard-waste flushing. In some establishments, water is conserved by reusing gray water — the water from appliances like dishwashers and washing machines — in all on-premises toilets.

The majority of flush toilets around the world are made of porcelain, which consists of a clay and water mixture that's blazed at high temperatures. Most of the clay used is of kaolinite origin, but minerals like alabaster, feldspar, petuntse, quartz and steatite are also sometimes part of the makeup.

坑厕所- 坑厕所也被称为凹室,是一个临时的室外装置,可以从土壤中的沟渠到蹲式锅。坑厕所在农村地区和贫穷的发展中国家最常见。在许多情况下,坑厕所设置为紧急救济。当部署在远离常规管道系统的位置中时,陆军部队通常会使用坑厕所。出于卫生目的,需要将坑厕所与供应饮用水的溪流安全距离。然而,在第二次世界大战之前,坑经常在战区中放置不足,这导致疾病杀死了更多炸弹,枪支或坦克的士兵。

金库厕所- 一个无水隔间埋在地下的地下,在那里存储了硬废物并最终被钢管,但将液体废物排入土壤中。金库厕所通常放在一个小房子里。

干厕所- 没有水冲洗,干厕所采用各种设计。示例包括以下内容:

  • Composting toilet – decomposes waste by adding carbon elementschemical toilets are standard
  • 冻结厕所 - 冻结废物的厕所
  • Incinerating toilet – burns waste
  • 凹坑 - 地面上的一个洞
  • 树沼泽 - 将硬废物变成肥料

化学厕所– Standard in passenger vehicles such as airplanes and trains, chemical solutions are used in toilets in lieu of water due to the lack of a running water supply.

飞行厕所- 无罐厕所如何工作?当它全部放在袋子里时,您甚至不需要坦克。飞行的厕所根本不是一个真正的“厕所”,只是在非洲某些地方的一种习惯,人们将其排便成塑料袋,然后将袋子扔到尽可能远的地方。由于人类的废物和垃圾塑料积累在整个非洲大陆的某些地区,因此飞行的厕所实践导致了卫生问题。由于这些原因,现在在肯尼亚,坦桑尼亚和乌干达被禁止使用这种现象的塑料袋类型。

Portable toilet- 或者被称为Porta Pots,便携式厕所是单一单元,男女通用的设施,通常在偏远地区的建筑工地,县集市和其他户外活动中看到。便携式厕所之所以被命名,是因为它们易于通过卡车运输,并在需要的基础上临时在不同的位置设置。便携式外壳由塑料厕所,废物容器和可锁门组成。便携式厕所用化学消毒剂冲洗。每天清空插座,并定期清洗。便携式厕所易于运输

High-tech toilets– Today's tech-savvy and financially well off homeowners have the option of toilets that offer a host of advanced features, including auto-flush, bottom washers and dryers, noise concealers, deodorizers, automatic seat-sheet replacement and seat heaters. Some of the most high-tech units on the market, like Matsushita's Smart Toilet, offer basic health reports based on analysis of bodily waste.

Floating toilets- 浮动厕所是居住在土地空间有限的地区,社区通常容易遭受洪水且通常缺乏管道的人的替代品。在浮动厕所的情况下,废物被存储在坦克中,然后删除。一些单位甚至将液体废物转移到单独的系统中。


plumbing problems are an inconvenience

The toilet is one of the most important things you have in your home. Whether you live a house of one, two, three, four or any given number of people, there's a toilet that's probably used regularly when the house is occupied. Therefore, plumbing problems could be the cause of much inconvenience for everyone, regardless of whether such issues occur in the daytime, nighttime or on a weekend.

在整个锡拉丘兹地区,居民和企业能够放心,知道可以通过简单的电话全天候对水管问题进行补救,这是给大锡拉丘兹的Rooter Plumbing先生,该水管日至24/7提供紧急服务。vwin线上官网


不要让厕所问题在您的一天中抽筋。当您的厕所功能出现问题时,call the plumbing experts at Mr. Rooter Plumbing