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When you hop into the shower, few circumstances can be worse than feeling chilly water pouring from the showerhead. Nobody enjoys cranking the hot water dial only to find the temperature getting colder and not warmer. Hot water is an essential part of your daily routines, and when warm water isn’t flowing from the faucets, it’s typically a sign something is wrong with your water heater unit. The ultimate question is whether your hot water heater simply needs repair or should be replaced entirely.




  • Pilot light
  • 断路器
  • 加热元素
  • 恒温器
  • 阀棒

If you have not had issues with your water heater in the past and the unit is relatively new, replacing these components is the most cost-effective and time-saving solution. However, if you’re constantly making repairs and the unit is near the end of its lifespan, replacement is the best alternative.



  • Unit age:热水器的设计旨在有效,可靠地执行多年。但是,如果该单位至少有10年的历史,您的家庭可能会从替代品中受益。
  • Rusty, discolored water:当温水从水龙头流出时,如果它具有红色或略带生锈的味道,那么水可能会被水加热器内部的锈蚀污染。生锈的热水器不能安全使用,应尽快更换。
  • 大声或不寻常的声音:当热水器正在使用时,它是否伴随着响亮的声音或隆隆声?沉积物可能开始以较旧的单位形成,导致其在操作时发出奇怪的声音。借助较新的车型,有执照的专业人员可以冲洗坦克。对于较旧的热水器,通常是需要更换的指标。
  • Leaking unit:如果您发现在热水器的底部有任何水合,那么绝对是时候更换设备了。当加热器中的水变热时,它会导致金属收缩和扩张。这种运动最终将导致较旧的,过度使用的单位破裂并最终泄漏。
  • Poor heating:Inconsistent heating is a telltale sign the unit needs to be replaced. While a single part replacement can solve inadequate water heater performance, frequent repairs coupled with aging units will become overly costly. In these cases, it is more cost-effective to just replace the water heater.

When Cold Water Runs From Your Shower, Call the Pros at Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Greater Syracuse

If you are a homeowner throughout the greater Syracuse area and need fast and helpful water heater repairs or guidance on a unit replacement, contact the friendly and licensed plumbing professionals at Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Greater Syracuse. Our team is dedicated to offering best-value services, always personalized to meet your household’s specific needs and budget.

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