vwin线上官网大锡拉丘兹的根管先生 换地点



  1. 了解水压
  2. 快速入门指南诊断低水压
  3. How Many Locations in Your Home Have Low Water Pressure?
  4. Most Common Cause of Low Water Pressure
  5. 低水压的其他原因






理想情况下,住宅水压应在每平方英寸45至55磅(PSI),但通常为45至80 psi。PSI阅读40岁以下的读数被认为是低的,并且30岁以下的读数肯定太低。



Before we discuss in detail several different potential causes for low water pressure, we will take a moment to give you a quick overview to help you get started. Here are several reasons why you may experience a loss of water pressure in your home:

  • 对水的需求太多:在某些房屋中,立即装有多个管道固定装置可能会使水供应的需求太高,无法在每个固定装置中保持适当的水压。有了一点协调,您通常可以避免此问题。
  • 故障固定装置:Fixtures themselves, such as shower heads or faucets, can become faulty or clogged over time. In some cases, simply cleaning out the screen or aerator is enough to fix the issue, but at other times, an entire fixture may need to be replaced.
  • Broken Pressure Regulator:水压调节器旨在帮助稳定您的房屋水压,并保持一定范围内。当这些调节器变质时,您的水压可能会变得太高或太低。
  • 闭合阀:您的房屋的供水可以通过两个不同的阀门关闭。您可以自己检查这两个阀门。如果这些阀中的任何一个都不完全打开,则可能会影响整个房屋的水压。
  • 堵塞的管道:如果管道被堵塞,这些堵塞会破坏流过管道的水。随着流动的破坏,水压也会下降。需要清理或更换管道以解决该问题。
  • 腐蚀管道:可以通过清理或更换小管道来修复木log。但是,随着时间的流逝,您的整个管道系统可能会腐蚀,这可能会对您的水压产生负面影响。


How Many Locations in Your Home Have Low Water Pressure?


When you are investigating an issue of low water pressure in your home, the first thing to note is the scope of the problem. In other words, you need to know how many plumbing fixtures are experiencing decreased water pressure. You may find the issue is only affecting one fixture, all fixtures in a certain room or every fixture throughout your house.



  • 洗碗机
  • Sink faucets
  • 洗手间
  • 淋浴
  • 浴缸
  • 洗衣机
  • Outdoor faucet
  • 软管连接


Most Common Cause of Low Water Pressure


Often, when you experience a decrease in water pressure, it is because two different plumbing fixtures are on at the same time. For example, you might turn your shower on while your dishwasher is running and notice that the water coming out of the shower head is not as pressurized as usual. Or, you may notice that your washer is taking longer to fill up than normal while someone is running the hose outside.


In the case of the weak shower, wait until the dishwasher is finished running, and try turning on the shower head again. In the case of the washer, turn off the hose outside, and see if the washer begins to fill up more rapidly. If everything goes back to normal when you are only using one plumbing fixture at a time, then you can enjoy good water pressure once more. You should still keep an eye on your water pressure, however, to see if it eventually drops too low, as this could indicate a problem that needs to be fixed.


Water background with text about additional reasons for low water pressure






如果您更换整个固定装置,请确保购买适合正确的新固定装置。对于水龙头,将旧孔拿出后,测量两个外孔之间的距离。六英寸或更长时间的距离means you need a wide-spread faucet. This faucet type requires you to manually connect the two valves to the mixing tee.

A distance of just four inches means you need a mini wide-spread or a center-spread faucet. This faucet type is already combined into a single unit encompassing all parts. You can tell the difference between a mini wide-spread and a center-spread faucet just by looking on top of your sink. A mini wide-spread faucet looks like three separate pieces, while a center-spread looks like all one piece. When you work on replacing a fixture, be sure to shut off the water supply.



并非所有房屋都配备了压力调节器,但是如果您的房屋是您的房屋前软管连接下方的钟形设备。一旦制造商设置了压力调节器 -通常约为45至60 psi- 它不需要调整。但是,可以通过将螺钉在其尖端上旋转来调节压力调节器。逐渐将螺钉顺时针旋转以拧紧或逆时针以松开。拧紧螺钉应导致水压增加,松开螺钉应导致水压降低。

If your water pressure was well-regulated before but is now too high, too low or both, then your pressure regulator may need to be fixed or replaced rather than simply adjusted. Pressure regulators can go bad, and when this happens, you should not try to fix or replace it yourself, as this can make problems worse. In this case, you are better off to rely on a licensed plumber to evaluate the situation and either repair your current pressure regulator or install a new one.



两个主要的关闭阀控制您家中的水流 - 一个在您的房屋上或一个仪表上。如果由于某种原因,这些阀中的一个部分被部分或完全关闭,则可能导致您的水压大大降低。当水暂时关闭然后再次打开时,可能会发生这种情况 - 可能会意外关闭一个阀门,而不是一路打开。如果您认为闭合或部分闭合的阀门可能是低水压力的原因,请检查两个主阀以确保它们完全打开。


To check the home valve, look near your home's hose bib. Though this main shut-off is typically located on the exterior of your home, it can sometimes be in a utility room or basement. Shut-off valves are usually either ball or gate valves. Ball valves have a clear open and closed position, whereas gate valves need to be turned like a screw and may require several turns to fully open or close the water flow. If a valve appears to be broken, contact a professional who can see if the valve needs to be replaced.



Another potential cause of low water pressure is clogged pipes. One indication that clogged pipes may be the issue is if, when you first turn on a faucet, water sprays out at a normal pressure, but then it immediately begins to flow with noticeably less pressure. Pipes can become clogged over time as mineral deposits, rust or other debris build up on the insides of the pipes and restrict the flow of water. This is especially an issue with galvanized pipes. Galvanized steel is no longer the material of choice for new pipes for this reason. However, it used to be a very common material and is still found in many homes.


虽然您可以看到管道是由什么制成的,但这是您的调查应结束的地方。与可能导致水压降低的其他一些问题不同,您无法自己检查。如果您怀疑您的管道可能会堵塞,请打电话给有执照的水管工以查看并确定是否需要清理或更换管道。如果是这样,水管工应该照顾好这个。您不应该尝试自己在管道上工作。在没有必要的专业知识时,试图清理堵塞的管道不仅很难,而且可能很危险 - 例如,您可能会无意中污染饮用水供应。

5. Corroded Plumbing

如果您只有一部分需要取消或更换的管道,但是在某些情况下,房屋的整个管道系统可能会被腐蚀,并且可能需要完全更换。镀锌钢管有平均lifespan of 20 to 50 years。诸如黄铜,铜和铁等材料可以持续更长的时间,但是即使这些管道也需要最有可能在40到100年之间取代。如果您住在一所较老的房子里,那么您的管道可能已经存在了数十年,并且已经严重腐蚀。

Replacing all the plumbing in your house is a large undertaking and is costly, but the results are worth the effort. When putting new plumbing in, you can choose a durable material so you most likely will not have to worry about replacing the piping ever again in your lifetime. Of course, this is a job for the professionals. Make sure you hire a licensed plumber to re-pipe your home.



Mr. Rooter plumber greeting a homeowner

Many of the issues discussed above and more should be fixed by a professional. When it comes to plumbing, you do not want to neglect a problem or make the issue worse by trying to fix it yourself. When you encounter plumbing problems of any kind or when you want to check on your plumbing to ensure it is well-maintained, call Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Greater Syracuse at (315) 472-1203.

We offer comprehensive residential, commercial and emergency plumbing services to take care of any issues you experience, including those that reduce water pressure in your home. When you call one of our plumbers in to take care of a problem, you can also take advantage of a complimentary plumbing checkup to diagnose any other potential problems with your plumbing.

